Beasiswa Unggulan. Indonesian Scholarship for Indonesia Citizen
In order to improve the competitiveness of Indonesia in all fields both for the activists, especially the quality of education and the development potential of local resources which are still considered very low, then the Ministry of National Education (Kemdiknas) has launched a scholarship program pre-eminent national and international level.
Scholarship Program Master (S2)
In practice this type of scholarship can be used for nation's best sons and daughters who want to continue in education master degree. Adapunbidang studies are recommended to be developed:
1. Biotechnology and Nano Biotechnology,
2. Nano Nano Electronics and Biology,
3. Remote Sensing,
4. Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
5. Agribusiness Industry
6. Medicine (Biomedical),
7. Information Technology,
8. Game Technology and Networking,
9. Computer Science,
10. Arts and Tourism,
11. Government Accounting,
12. Educational Planning,
13. Educational Research and Evaluation